Only the unity and struggle of the working class and the people against capitalism and all imperialism creates the necessary revolutionary change

1. Millions of people around the world are taking to the streets demanding bread, jobs, solidarity and peace.  Workers, youth, women, peasants and labourers are increasingly feeling the need to organise and protest against the cynical class policies of capital and its governments. Large-scale strike struggles, mass demonstrations, student occupations and actions have taken place in the metropolises of capitalism. In Latin America, the discontent and anger of workers, youth and peoples is growing against imperialist exploitation and the repression and implementation of the IMF and World Bank dictates by the local oligarchies. In Europe and in the European Union (EU), where the EU parliamentary elections have shown through widespread demonstrations that the peoples do not support the rulers, the working class and working people are struggling with different strength for the increase of wages, for the defence and improvement of working conditions, for public and decent pensions, health systems, education and for the fight against reaction and fascism. On the African continent, workers, peoples and nations are waging a struggle for national and social liberation from the changing imperialist powers and their neo-colonial lackey regimes under extremely complicated conditions.
The working-class, public-sector workers, women and youth have gained a growing awareness of their own strength, experience in organising resistance and that struggle is the way to victory. A whole new generation around the world is learning that imperialism means war and massacres. They have seen their own governments supporting and participating in Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people and have raised their voices in protest and solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle, most massively in European countries. Climate change, which threatens the immediate future of humanity, and its consequences, such as rising temperatures, droughts, massive fires, etc., are international in scale and are a source of revolutionary potential that cannot be neglected and that is mobilising the peoples. Slogans are spreading among the peoples that climate change can be prevented by changing the system, pointing out that civilisation is the plunder of nature along with the resources of capitalist imperialism. Actions such as the mass mobilisations in Latin America, the USA, India, the Middle East, Europe and other parts of the world in solidarity are growing in size and strength.

2. The working class is entering a new period in which it faces harsher working and living conditions, harsher attacks by capital, where the bourgeoisie unleashes reaction and fascism, and where the danger of a major imperialist war grows. To counter this, the broadest class unity must be built on a class-struggle basis within the working class and the trade unions, based on the vital and urgent needs of the working class. It must include the ever-growing section of the working class without trade unions, the growing numbers of migrant, contract and undocumented workers working in slave-like conditions, and the millions who are out of work.  A class alliance that must develop into a political class struggle to overthrow the system at the root of modern slavery under capitalism. We must build an international front of the revolutionary workers and communist movement in all countries against exploitation and oppression. To overcome the divisions in the workers movement, it is the duty of communists/Marxist-Leninists to fight the influence of reformist and opportunist forces and their social base in the labour aristocracy. Instead. The Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations must show concrete ways to strengthen class unity and play a leading role in the class struggle against the capitalist and imperialist system.

    One of the most important concrete bases for the realisation of the leadership of the working class is its success in uniting the exploited and oppressed classes and strata in broad alliances to form anti-imperialist democratic popular fronts against imperialism, bourgeois reaction, fascism and war in individual countries and on an international scale.

    3. For millions of people around the world, life under capitalism is a daily struggle for survival. While the profits of the monopolies and finance capital reach new highs and the fortunes of billions grow, ordinary people struggle against the effects of the pandemic, inflation, rising prices and the cost of living. Capitalism’s ever-increasing exploitation of labour and plunder of the planet’s resources and raw materials threatens the existence and future of the people. Imperialist wars, together with capitalism, have created climate and environmental disasters and the largest global flows of refugees and migrants in this century.

    4. The economic, environmental, social, energy, health and political consequences and recurring shocks of capitalism are increasingly intertwined. They influence and deepen each other. The reactionary measures of the bourgeois state apparatus are increasing as they drop the “democratic” mask. They are bringing right-wing extremism and fascism right into government offices, peddling and promoting new variants of the class betrayal of revisionism. For the peoples, the increasing militarisation of the whole economy of the capitalist and imperialist states means deepening poverty, intensifying authoritarianism and reaction, increasing the danger of fascism and war. The financial oligarchy is facing an impending crisis, which it can only overcome by taking over the spoils of its rivals and by increasing imperialist rivalry.

    5. The uneven and fragile recovery of international capitalism after the crisis of 2020, aggravated by the pandemic, was interrupted in 2022, also as a result of the measures taken against the crisis. While the inflation rate continues to rise, albeit at a slower pace, the growth rate of the economy, industrial production and the volume of trade fall in 2023 and 2024 at world level and, with minor exceptions, in individual countries. The general trend of declining growth rates has pushed the economies of Europe, especially Germany and the UK, and some African countries into stagnation, with some countries even experiencing two consecutive quarters of negative growth. China’s industry was able to grow by 1.2%, 0.3% and 1.6% in the three quarters of 2024, while industrial production in the ‘euro area’, together with the volume of trade – not to mention imports, which grew by 0.5% in the second quarter alone – fell by -0.9%, -0.4% and -0.4% in the three quarters of this year. In Japan, after a sharp fall of -5.2% in the first quarter, industrial production grew by 2.1% and +0.4% in the second and third quarters respectively, while in the USA it fell by -0.4% in the first quarter, grew by a small percentage of 0.6% in the second quarter and fell again by -0.2% in the third quarter. It would not be wrong to say that there is a risk of recession in the world due to the problems observed in the most advanced capitalist economies, such as the USA, whose industrial production grew negatively in two of the three quarters of 2024 and did not even reach 1% in the second quarter, China, whose growth rate was below 1% or barely above, and the Eurozone, which grew negatively in all three quarters of 2024.
    The economies of the BRICS countries, the USA and China, which have been able to maintain a certain level of growth with declining rates, are unlikely to be the engines of a new recovery of the international capitalist economy in the near future. Uncertainties and fluctuations in the world economy are widespread and international imperialist financial organisations such as the IMF and the World Bank believe that the decline in the growth rates of the US and Chinese economies, for example, will continue in the coming years.
    The protectionist, tight monetary and “austerity” policies pursued by the capitalist states are accumulating the elements of a future economic crisis, leading to an escalation of unemployment and a decline in investment, with inflation rates, especially energy and food prices, still higher than before the pandemic, even if they seem to be under control.
    The trade in raw materials, especially food, works to the detriment of the dependent countries and their peoples, and the burden of debt is borne by the labourers. The asymmetry between income and wealth is growing; the monopolies are increasing their profits enormously, while the real wages and incomes of the poorest and poorest strata are falling. These are all symptoms of the crisis, which is deepening and increasing insecurity. At the same time, they aggravate the general crisis of capitalism with the intensification of the rivalry between the imperialists and even the war in Ukraine.

    6. In several Latin American countries, openly neo-liberal governments were replaced by so-called progressive governments, as in Venezuela. This created great expectations among workers, youth and the people. They took advantage of the people’s desire for change by using a demagogic, populist discourse with left-wing rhetoric. However, these so-called progressive governments are basically a bourgeois political current, an instrument of big capital to separate the masses from the political influence of the revolutionary left and to create a social movement functional to the ruling capitalist system.

    The danger of a major imperialist war from an increasingly aggressive and violent world imperialism is growing.

    7. The imperialist powers are fighting each other for the distribution and control of the wealth of society and nature and do not hesitate to drag the world into a new large-scale war, shifting the costs of war onto the shoulders of the working people. The merchants of death make huge profits from the rapidly growing war industry, armaments, swelling military budgets and local wars and conflicts.  The rivalry between the imperialists is intensifying with new economic sanctions, escalating trade wars, military rearmament and extensive military exercises near each other’s borders.

    8. Although Trump has expressed different views, both sides in the two-year inter-imperialist war between the USA/NATO/EU and Russia in Ukraine, in which thousands of victims have been killed, seem ready to escalate the war in a controversial direction. In addition to the tonnes of weapons, military equipment and personnel they have already poured into the flames of war in Ukraine. The European Parliament is now allowing Ukraine to use this military support to extend the war into Russian territory. Ukraine’s admission to NATO is no longer a promise for the future, but a real negotiation. With the expansion of NATO to include Sweden and Finland in Scandinavia, NATO will be along the entire European border with Russia, and Europe will be full of USA military bases from which the USA can operate as it pleases.  Russia, for its part, is steadily escalating its war effort, with major consequences for the Ukrainian and Russian working class and people. And with a Kremlin government talking about using tactical nuclear weapons and strengthening its regional alliances, not to mention China, which would rather see a USA-Russia war in Europe than a direct USA-China war in Asia.

    Many government leaders in the European Union (EU) are openly preparing the working class and the European peoples for a direct war against Russia within the next 5 years and trying to paralyse the class struggle with fear and uncertainty. The imperialist war and war drums have increased nationalist tendencies throughout the region.

    9. In the Middle East, Zionist Israel is increasingly isolated and exposed after months of genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem. This is leading its government to become more and more desperate and aggressive, with the danger of spreading the war to neighbouring countries and the region.
    The USA, the economic and military guarantor of the Zionist apartheid regime in Israel, is fighting for the survival of Israel as its strategic pivot in the Middle East, no matter how many Palestinian lives it costs. At the same time, Russia, which is increasingly resisting the domination of the USA imperialism, is working for more influence through its alliances in the region, especially with Iran and its presence in Syria. The same applies to the imperialist power China through its own increased influence in the region.
    The aims of American imperialism in the Middle East are certainly not limited to supporting Israel and its expansion. Besides guaranteeing and supporting Israel and its existence and aims, the USA also manipulates and uses it as a means to achieve its own strategic and tactical aims, which include weakening and destroying the anti-American forces in the region. In addition to Israel, American imperialism is using all the unresolved national, religious and sectarian problems of the Middle East and the problems between the countries, especially those competing for regional power, to reshape the region. With the possibility of the war spreading beyond Palestine and Lebanon, the Middle East is pregnant with developments of a different and more advanced dimension than what has happened so far.
    In order to support the Israeli terrorist state and to suppress the growing protests of many countries and peoples of the world against the Zionist genocide, the G7 summit in June adopted the USA ceasefire plan and accused the Palestinian resistance of not accepting it. For months, USA imperialism and the Zionist apartheid state of Israel have blocked UN ceasefire proposals unless they unilaterally support Israel’s war, while thousands continue to be murdered, injured and over 1½ million displaced under constant bombardment. Israel has refused to comply with UN demands to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, instead continuing its war crimes while ignoring the presence of the UN peacekeeping force and expanding the war into Lebanon. These actions have contributed to the growing questioning of imperialist international institutions such as the UN. Its weakening is another sign of the growing contradictions between the imperialist powers. The people of the world have never been able to put their fate in the hands of such international institutions.

    10. The Palestinian people continue to resist against Israel and are supported by people all over the world. The Israeli Zionism has not been able to achieve its goal of ending the resistance and forcing the people of Gaza to be totally abandoned. With the support of the Western powers, Israel continues its genocide and has extended its attacks to Lebanon.  The struggle of the Palestinian people for the liberation of their land and homeland, the return of refugees and displaced persons and the establishment of an independent, democratic and secular state with Jerusalem as its capital is just.

    11. The struggle against the imperialist war and the threat of war is an urgent task. We raise the banner of international solidarity of the working class and the people in the struggle against imperialism, its wars and reaction, so that the warlords cannot set the workers against each other under the reactionary banner of nationalism. It is an inseparable part of the class struggles against the consequences of the neo-liberal economic policies and the social and democratic struggle in all countries for social and national liberation. We raise the banner of peace, the aspiration and hope of the people of the world, as part of the anti-imperialist struggle and creating a movement for peace among the working class, women, youth and the people.

    The anti-imperialist struggle must be directed against all imperialism

    12. Imperialism has not changed its character, although the balance of power between countries is changing in recent years with the uneven development of imperialism. This is especially evident in the rivalry between the USA and China. The USA imperialism is the undisputed military supremacy and is becoming more and more aggressive. The USA, with its deep class and racial contradictions, growing poverty and political polarisation among the people, is trying to export its political and economic problems against growing resistance. On the other hand, imperialist China, which is struggling to expand its spheres of influence in order to increase its economic development despite the growing class contradictions, is trying to take a place in the international institutions according to its economic and military power in the imperialist world order.

    13. China and Russia have strengthened their partnership and alliance with new economic, political and military agreements. At this stage they need each other and the leaders of the two imperialist powers make no secret of their intentions. As the Chinese leader has said, “changes are taking place that we haven’t seen in a hundred years, and we are the ones leading them together”.

      The expansion of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) by 4 more countries this year is being launched as “a process towards a new international multipolar world order of peaceful coexistence and justice among the imperialist powers for the benefit of the peoples and nations of the world”.  But BRICS+ is not a bloc or an organisation with an anti-imperialist function. It is an association that includes imperialist powers and more or less advanced capitalist countries, some of them “countries on the threshold” of becoming imperialist. The emergence of these countries on the world stage, their attempts to break the current imperialist order will inevitably lead to new conflicts and wars.

      The expansion into the BRICS+ is an undeniable victory for China as it sees its geopolitical influence grow. China is by far the largest economic power in BRICS+ and is behind many of the initiatives that cut across these countries, from the Belt and Road project to the Shanghai-based New Development Bank.

      14. Russia is increasing its influence and presence in various regions. In Africa, where, in addition to the ‘invasion’ of Chinese capital, Russia is offering military power: arms, advice and training, etc., and even its own army of mercenaries, in exchange for raw materials and political influence in future conflicts. Russia is capitalising on the righteous anger of the peoples of the region against the cruel exploitation of ‘Western’ imperialism, especially that of France. In the context of the multifaceted crisis in Africa and the neo-colonial system, there has been a resurgence of military coups that do not bring any fundamental change for the peoples. Above all, they reflect the fact that in the current situation of economic, political, ideological, social and military crisis of capitalism, the bourgeoisie has chosen to march towards the fascisation of the neocolonial powers.

      15. The working class and the peoples cannot rely on one imperialist power in their struggle against another – they have to intensify the struggle against all imperialism. The thesis of the so-called “multi-polarism”, which claims that there are belligerent and aggressive imperialist countries and progressive imperialist countries in which the people can rely on for national liberation, is false. It is not enough to fight only against the hated US imperialism, because even if it is weakened or even destroyed, other imperialists will continue to plunder and oppress the peoples. The task of the working class and the peoples is to build broad unions and anti-imperialist fronts against imperialism by confronting all imperialists in the struggle for national and social liberation. A bloody lesson, which has been repeated too many times in history, is not to trust one imperialist power in the struggle against another, no matter what progressive phrases it may adorn itself with.

      16. The objective conditions are becoming more and more favourable for the revolution in the developed imperialist and capitalist countries, where the proletarian and national social revolution is presented as a problem to be solved. We are not living in a revolutionary situation, but in many parts of the world, the workers and peoples are fighting against the bourgeoisie and its governments, fighting against the capitalist forms of exploitation and domination, looking for changes and in this struggle and search. This struggle and search, in which our parties must be at the forefront, will pave the way for new revolutionary processes and the imperialist “chain” will be broken from its weakest “link” or “links”.

      17. It is the present task of the communist Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations in ICMLPO, through their work and communist propaganda and agitation, to make the popular masses, under the leadership of the working class, more and more aware that a break with the capitalist-imperialist system is the only revolutionary way to escape the consequences of capitalism, capital exploitation, fascist violence and imperialist wars.

        The strengthening of the workers’, peoples’ and communist Marxist Leninist movement is an urgent task

        18. Only the working class under the leadership of its party can unite with the working classes and layers who have no other choice but to fight against the exploitation and plunder of the capitalist monopolies, the suffocating dictates of the monopolies, the “free trade agreements”, the EU and the World Bank, The working class and its party must organise and build a common struggle and front against imperialism and the reactionary bourgeoisie to liberate its allies from the rule of the monopolies based on extreme exploitation and plunder and from the clutches of right-wing populists, reaction, fascism and religion. The working class and its party must strengthen its alliances and unity of struggle and action with all the peoples of the world, whether in South or North America, in Palestine, in Asia, Australia and the Arctic, who are united in the struggle against imperialism, and strengthen the alliance of the international working class and oppressed dependent peoples on a world scale. The working class is at the centre of building a broad anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist front, nationally and internationally, on the basis of the concrete conditions that can lead to the struggle for proletarian revolution. The formation of an anti-imperialist, anti-fascist united front is an urgent task.    

        19. The communist Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations, no matter how big they are, must, through their daily systematic work in the working class, workplaces and trade unions, continue to root themselves and strengthen their links in the working class and labouring people, raise their revolutionary consciousness and thus transform the working class into a leading political actor in society and a political reference for the other working classes and layers and oppressed groups. In today’s conditions, when capitalism has nothing more to give to humanity and the objective conditions impose radical changes, the adjustment of the subjective conditions and the organisational work for this purpose are of fundamental importance. Today, in too many places, the working class lacks a strong Marxist-Leninist party to lead the realisation of a revolutionary process and revolution. Building new and strong Marxist-Leninist parties based on scientific socialism, bringing together communist forces, conscious workers and revolutionary intellectuals is a task that ICMLPO will continue to strengthen and considers as its necessary task.

        20. No matter how many new initiatives the capitalist social system can develop, it is incapable of solving the great and fundamental problems of the working class, the people, peace and the environment, because it will always be based on profit, exploitation and contempt for humanity.

          Today, when all the contradictions of capitalist imperialism are sharpening, the only way for the emancipation of the working class and the toiling peoples is the international proletarian revolution that will put an end to the rule of the bourgeoisie and capitalism. The capitalist-imperialist international order, which is characterised by the extreme exploitation, plunder and tyranny of the monopolies and which is heading towards fascism and a new world war, must be replaced by a new international order. This can only be a socialist order. Faced with imperialism and capitalism, the international working class is fighting for change, for a new society and a new international order based on scientific socialism, in which the means of production will no longer be the subject of private ownership, in which it will organise itself as the ruling class.

          Our call is to the working class and the peoples of the world: Let us join the struggle against the barbarism and brutality of the international bourgeoisie and imperialism with new strength. There can be no progress, justice and peace under the dark shadow of imperialism. Only we, the working class and the peoples, united in a common front against capitalism and imperialism, can bring about a real change in our working and living conditions and in the course of a world based on exploitation and tyranny.

          International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations


          Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-1955 (Anasintaxi)

          Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-1955 (Anasintaxi) was founded in 1996. Anasintaxi, which fights for the unification of the...

          Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela (PCMLV)

          The Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela (PCMLV) was founded in 2009. The PCMLV is a member of CIPOML. Web site

          Workers’ Party of Tunisia (PTT)

          Founded in 1986 as the Communist Party of Tunisian Workers (Parti des Travailleurs de Tunisie - PTT), the party started its legal activities in...

          The Communist Party of Peru (Marxist-Leninist)

          The Communist Party of Peru (Marxist-Leninist) was founded in January 1964 following a split in the Communist Party of Peru and was initially known...

          Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist)

          The Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist) is the vanguard detachment of the proletarian class in Mexico. The PC de M (m-l) has waged an intense...

          “Revolusjon”, Norway

          Revolusjon (Revolution) was initially an extended editorial board that published a journal to help prepare the conditions for the re-establishment of a Marxist-Leninist Communist...

          Communist Platform – for the Communist Party of the Proletariat of Italy

          Communist Platform (PC) was established in February 2008, through the merger of communist groups from different cities in Italy that had started working together...

          Communist Party of Labour (PCT), Dominican Republic

          The Communist Party of Labour (PCT) was formed in 1980, splitting from the Maoist Dominican People's Movement. The PCT is a member of CIPOML and...

          Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist)

          Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist), split from the Communist Party of Colombia in 1965. The party and its armed wing suffered a major blow in...

          Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) – PCE(ml)

          The Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) was founded in 1964 as a result of a split within the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). The Communist...

          Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)

          The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) is the result of years of tireless struggle by Marxist-Leninists gathered in the Toufan Marxist Leninist Organisation,...

          Workers’ Communist Party of France (PCOF)

          Workers’ Communist Party of France (PCOF) was born on 18 March 1979 at the Congress of the Paris Commune. Its creation was necessitated by...

          Communist Party of Benin

          The Communist Party of Benin (PCB) was founded in 1977 by the Communist League of Dahomey. The party was first called the Communist Party...

          Labour Party (EMEP), Turkey

          Founded in 1996, the Labour Party (EMEP) takes scientific socialism, the world view of the working class, as its guide; the solidity of its...

          Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador – PCMLE

          The Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador (PCMLE) was founded on 1 August 1964, and its Founding Congress was held in Pascuales, Guayas province. The antecedents...

          Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR), Brazil

          Founded in Recife in May 1966, the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR) was organised by a group of militants who criticised the line of the...

          Revolutionary Democracy, India

          The organisation Revolutionary Democracy publishes the theoretical and political semi-annual journal Revolutionary Democracy in India. It contains material on the problems facing the communist movement,...

          Democratic Way, Morocco

          Founded in 1995, the Democratic Way considers itself to be a continuation of the Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Movement (MMLM), and in particular its main component,...

          Workers’ Communist Party (APK), Denmark

          The Workers’ Communist Party (Danish Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne, APK) was founded at the Founding Congress held in Copenhagen on 20-23 April 2000. The APK Founding Congress...

          Communist Party of Albania

          The Communist Party of Albania is a Marxist-Leninist and anti-revisionist communist party founded in 1991. It was formed after the split of the former...

          American Party of Labor (APL)

          The American Party of Labor was founded in 2008 as the only openly anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist party in the United States. The Program of the American...

          ICMLPO: 30 years of struggle for revolution and socialism

          In the long struggle of the communists for organising and carrying out the revolution, establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat and building the workers'...

          Final Declaration of the XXIX Plenary Session of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations – CIPOML

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          European elections: The crisis of the system is visible!

          The European election results have mercilessly exposed the crisis of the bourgeois-capitalist system and its internal contradictions. In many countries, the number of non-voters...