In the United States of America there has been a social outburst unprecedented in many years, both because of the extent of the protests and because of their expressions of combativeness. The assassination of George Floyd by the police in Minneapolis has caused thousands of men and women to take to the streets in more than 120 cities in all states of the country, united in the cry “No justice, No peace”.
The quickly spreading of the protests that began in Minneapolis and the social and political connotations they now have around the country, express how repressed the discontent and the refusal of several problems were among the population, some of which have become even more visible and others have been exacerbated by the effect of the Covid 19 pandemic. The people of the United States refuse the racism, the deterioration of the working and living conditions, the vertiginous growth of unemployment (40 million unemployed in the last months), the high level of mortality caused by the action of the pandemic, which fundamentally affects the poorest, the blacks, the Hispanics, the migrants, the xenophobia and the white supremacism promoted by President Donald Trump and the dominant circles of power, that is to say, it is a struggle that questions the prevailing capitalist system.
The events that are happening now in the United States -which we saw months before in several countries of Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa- are easily to be explained when we look at how capitalism acts against workers and peoples to protect the reproduction of capital and the increase of its owners’ profits. However, the mobilizations in the US have a particular importance and transcendence, since they take place in the main capitalist-imperialist economy of the world, showing that the most developed powers are not protected from the struggle of the masses. Where there is oppression and exploitation, there is resistance and struggle of the workers and peoples.
Around the world, the discontent and repugnance of the workers and peoples is growing because their living conditions are more affected as the capitalist economy shrinks. The effects of the Covid 19 pandemic, on the world economy and on each country, principally affect the workers, the unemployed and underemployed, the homeless, the landless, migrants, and the most poor sectors of society, which makes it possible to foresee that new rebellions, new struggles will spread around the world for justice, for social and political rights, against oppression and the exploitation.
The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (CIPOML) expresses its solidarity with the workers, youth and women who have struggled in the United States and condemns the brutal answer given by the government of Donald Trump; we condemn the mobilization of military troops and the National Guard, the declaration of the state of emergency and the curfews in several states, the violent repression that has cost the lives of other citizens in the protests who, nevertheless, have not been able to stop the indignation and the presence of thousands of fighters in the streets.
We invite the workers and peoples of the world, the parties and organizations who are members of our Conference to keep and organise new demonstrations of solidarity with the peoples of the USA and condemnation against American imperialism.
International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations
June 2020